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A dermatologist is a specialist focusing his or her practice on the improvement of the skin. These specialists also have extensive experience with the nails and hair. Individuals having problems with any of these structures may first wish to visit their family care provider and discuss the condition. If it is not a simple diagnosis, or if you find that the process is not one that you feel comfortable with, seeking out a specialist is a good idea. These providers will work with you to identify the common problems associated with the condition you are dealing with and may even offer ideal solutions.Acne One of the reasons many seek out a dermatologist is to improve conditions such as acne. Acne that is moderate to severe may require treatment from a specialist especially if it does not go away on its own, remains for a long time or is painful. Individuals who wish to clear up their skin even as teens will benefit from this type of treatment. These doctors can offer solutions including medications and treatment options from a holistic approach. Skin CancerThose who suffer from sunburn on a regular basis or those who have various skin conditions may wish to seek out a specialist to ensure they do not have skin cancer. If you do, these specialists can help. It is critical for high-risk individuals to have screenings on an annual basis. This includes those who are fair-haired, fair-skinned and/or those who have 40 or more moles on their body. If you notice any type of condition in which the skin seems to be unable to heal, report this as well.Other ProblemsThese professionals can offer additional help as well. For those who are dealing with eczema, a condition characterized by patches of itchy, irritated skin, a specialist may offer prescription medications as treatment. Those who suffer from psoriasis may also benefit in this way. If you have conditions relating to your nails or hair, getting help from a specialist can give you answers to why this is occurring. In addition, these professionals often have access to advanced technology that can help to treat scars.If you want to improve the way your skin looks, seek out a dermatologist. Their job is to help you to have clear, healthy looking skin. Some even specialize in methods to help you to have younger looking skin. You may find the latest technologies available including various laser treatments that can shave years off your skin’s life. There is no reason not to visit these professionals if you have questions or concerns about your skin and the way it looks. Make an appointment to find out what options are available for improving the way your skin looks.