January 5, 2018

10 Best Windows 7 Gadgets

By Shanmuga Sundaram Sivaraman

Gadgets that are made for Windows 7 are portals for inclusion of many of the additional features that can make your Windows 7 work in the way that will suit you. Some of the uses of the gadgets are those that are very helpful in keeping track of your computer system and monitor the activity of the computer like CPU, memory, hard drive, network usage and much more. Listed below are some of the beat and useful Windows 7 gadgets that can come in handy to ease the hectic day-to-day life activities.

1. All CPU Meter GadgetV 3.1:

This is the only CPU meter that enables display of your computer’s CPU usage at the time of running, cores temperature and RAM usage. Having this CPU meter installed onto your computer will enable to cut short on those programs and uninstalling unwanted programs that will alleviate the performance of the computer. This is will be very helpful in identifying and sorting out the problematic program that is affecting the functionality of other programs and software.

2. Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor Gadget:

The Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget is the one that can conduct a better comprehensive search for monitoring, tracking and managing Wi-Fi via your Windows OS. This gadget is used to search for networks, verify the Wi-Fi coverage limits, locate the presence of other devices using the same resources, detect rogue APs and present Wi-Fi in connection. This customizable gadget can manage on the system the various Wi-Fi networks.

3. Auto Shutdown:

This is one of the gadgets that works efficiently, and will allow you to override the computers normal set up to go to sleep mode or any other instructions when not in use. Therefore, when you have this gadget on your PC or laptop, you will be able to override these preset instructions, and will allow shutting down of the computer automatically, only after downloading those big files and restart if required immediately.


4. Language Translator:

While there are a number of online translator tools available on the net and will require constant internet access, you will be able to download this language translator that can translate your text information automatically from nearly 43 different languages. Nevertheless, if you are pleased with the translation done by this tool, you can use this to translate to other languages.

5. Traffic By Bing Maps:

While if you find yourself stuck in the traffic every time, in spite of leaving early for an appointment, and still find yourself locked up in the traffic, Microsoft’s new affiliation with Bing has brought forward a gadget that will cater to your needs. This gadget, Traffic by Bing Maps, gives a quick review of the real time traffic conditions instantly and will help to find the best alternative route to reach your destination on time. Till now only Canada and US users are the only beneficiaries.

6. Uptime Gadget Version Changelog:

You will require to know how much you computer has worked and how good is the lifetime of your computer, accessories and the battery life, to know how reliable are the specifications as mentioned at the time of the sales of the computer. Downloading this gadget to your PC or laptop will let you know to see how much time you have been using the computer since the last time that you used.

7. AlertCon:

AlertCon is the gadget that your Windows 7 desktop will require to keep monitoring the security of your internet usage. The barometer in this gadget is the place where you gain more information on the overall protection of your computer against internet hackers and hijackers. This four level internet threat level meter sends alert messages to users of internet, if they come across some kind of large-scale worms and virus infestation that might probably crash your computer to nothing with a single click.

8. Ultimate Explorer:

If you are going to be grateful to me for writing this article, then surely this will be one of the main reasons. This gadget is a powerful gadget designed to do a web search by fetching and combining all the search results from individual search engines into one single platform. Some of the many search engines that they operate will include Amazon, Google, Digg, You Tube, Drugstore, Wikipedia, eBay, Weather bug, etc., and much more.

9. The Magic Folder v2.0:

The Magic Folder is one of the best gadgets that you could use for cleaning up your messy desktop by spending heaps of time to get organized. However, you will not have the pain in the neck, thanks to Magic Folder, which categorizes files based on the extension and pile them in a single document folder. Nevertheless, you will still have the option of removing these extensions and getting them stored separately.

10. App Launcher v3:

This is one place where you can bring all the icons that you want to launch with a single click, and is one way where you can avoid these shortcut icons messing up your desktop. All you have to do is drag and drop these icons to the list. You should be able to save these shortcut icons appropriately and directly into these folders. With one click on the icons, you can launch the program desired.

About the Author: Do not forget to read some of the best articles like best blackberry apps and google chrome themes . There are many other useful posts in the main domain.

Source: isnare.com

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